PS Vita as a PS4 controller

If you own both a PlayStation 4 and a PlayStation Vita that you will be able to use your Vita as a second controller for the PlayStation 4. This is a great addition if you own both devices, but there is a catch: the developer will have to implement this feature into the game themself, or it won’t work. Sony promises that this will almost be a mandatory requirement for the games on the PlayStation 4, so we are expecting it to be available within most titles for the console and definitely Sony’s own games. Since it depends on the developers, not every game will have this feature.Sony promises that nearly every PlayStation 4 title will have Remote-Play; this means you can use your Vita to play your PlayStation 4 games with your TV being turned off.

Since the layout of the DualShock 4 controller is different than the layout on the Vita, for example the lack of L3/R3 or L2/R2 buttons and I can also imagine it will be hard to use the Vita for games that need to use a camera in order for the game to work properly. Luckily the Vita has the rear touch pad, so it would be possible to assign the missing buttons on the backside of the handheld.

Let’s hope that this feature won’t be forgotten, it will be a nice addition to all the PlayStation Vita owners. Even if you don’t own a PlayStation 4 but you do own a Vita, you could bring your Vita over to a friend to use it as a controller on their console. It could become a very handy feature if it works out and developers don’t forget about it.


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