Cancelled: FEZ II & Phil Fish

After some internet drama taking place on Twitter, Phil Fish, the creator of FEZ, announced his departure from the gaming industry. This also resulted in the cancellation of the upcoming game FEZ II. There was a lot of guessing around why Fish has cancelled FEZ II, and one of the theories was because of the internet-argument with journalist Marcus Beer, who called Fish a hipster (and some words we shouldn't be mentioning) on a recent Gametrailers podcast. However, Fish clarified in two tweets that he did not cancel FEZ II because of that case, but he did it to get out of the gaming industry and that he is choosing not to put up with the abuse anymore.

On Polytron’s official website the following statement was posted:

After the post on the Polytron website, a tweet appeared on Polytron’s Twitter where they were apologizing for the disappointment. The internet has reacted with different opinions on the cancellation of FEZ II; some find it a shame while others couldn’t care less. But we will have to wait to see what the future holds for both FEZ and Phil Fish.


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