Guide: How to become a PC Gamer

So you got yourself a sweet PC gaming rig or you are thinking about building one yourself, where do you start from there? What are some good quality games that you should give a try and where do you find reviews for games? And of course, where should you get the games from? All these questions and more will be explained in this post, and PC gaming might become a bit more accessible for you.

Building your own Gaming
If you don’t feel like paying a couple thousand bucks for a decent gaming PC such as an Alienware desktop, you have probably considered building your own rig. If you have decided you are going to build your own gaming PC, you will most likely have a maximum amount of money in your mind that this gaming PC can cost. If this is the case, you should keep on reading.

Logical Increments is the place to be if you want to know what parts you should get. The website works in price tiers and should give you a good idea of the parts that fit in your price category. Logical Increments also offers an explanation of every part in your PC, such as the motherboard and the CPU. It also has a bunch of links on how to correctly assemble your PC by yourself, that might come in handy as well.

What games should you get? You’ve finally build that monster of a gaming PC, but you don’t have any games yet. Don’t worry, there are enough sites around the web that will make choosing some good games a lot easier. Take Metacritic as an example, this website has a database of most of the games that have ever been released. On the Metacritic website you can read professional reviews as well as reviews from registered users. Some users just give games they dislike a 1 out of 10, but it’s easy to spot the reviews that are honestly written. If you want to read other full reviews of games, you can always resort to websites such as IGN and GameSpot.

Where do I buy my games?In the store, obviously? Luckily we are living in 2014 and there is no need to get out of our comfy chairs nowadays. Platforms such as Steam and Origin make it as easy as possible to buy games online. Both platforms have most of the mainstream games, but if you want to find older or indie games, you can always try or Humble Bundle. Not feeling like you want to spend a lot of money on games just yet? Luckily Steam has quite a few good and fun games that are free to play, they are definitely worth checking out.

What does Triple Buffering or CSAA x16 even mean?So you’ve bought yourself a few games, and when you go to the graphics settings you will spot many words of which you most likely don’t know the meaning of. Don’t worry, there are enough smart people on the internet that have made guides for you to understand these strange words. One of the most accessible guides that I have come across of is this one from LifeHacker. Another good guide that should explain all these settings is one from Reddit, and after reading it through you will feel a lot more at home with PC gaming.

Do you have any websites to share that might come in handy for PC gamers? Don’t be shy and share them in the comment section!


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